
2017年8月6日—BootUSBonUEFI/EFIsystemsthroughGRUB2bootloadersupport(limitedsupport).Addingapersistencefile.OnlydistrosbasedonDebian,Ubuntu ...,2008年7月11日—HerecomesthefirstGUIforourlittleproject.WhatitcanbeusedforaddingtoyourUSBstick/disk:MultiplesetsofWindowssetup ...,2020年11月13日—2.Re:InstalarnoubuntuWinSetupFromUSB...Peloqueeuvinositeoficial,éumprogramaparaWindows.NãoacheiversãoparaLinux...

How to create a multiboot USB that allows persistence, non ...

2017年8月6日 — Boot USB on UEFI/EFI systems through GRUB2 bootloader support (limited support). Adding a persistence file. Only distros based on Debian, Ubuntu ...

How to install Windows from USB

2008年7月11日 — Here comes the first GUI for our little project. What it can be used for adding to your USB stick/disk: Multiple sets of Windows setup ...

Instalar no ubuntu WinSetupFromUSB [OTRS]

2020年11月13日 — 2. Re: Instalar no ubuntu WinSetupFromUSB ... Pelo que eu vi no site oficial, é um programa para Windows. Não achei versão para Linux. O ideal é ...


WinSetupFromUSB. Install Windows from USB with WinSetupFromUSB, multiboot ... Ubuntu Desktop ISO, which was rebooted and preserved the wi-fi ...


Ubuntu-based ISO + persistence (.isopersist). If your LiveCD ISO is based ... Install XP using WinSetupFromUSB · Windows All-In-One ISOs and .imgPTN files ...

WinSetupFromUSB 1.10 免安裝版

2021年11月10日 — WinSetupFromUSB Portable is a Windows program, which prepares multiboot USB flash or fixed disk to install any Windows versions since 2000/XP, ...

WinSetupFromUSB Alternatives for Linux

2023年11月5日 — WinSetupFromUSB is not available for Linux but there are plenty of alternatives that runs on Linux with similar functionality.


WinSetupFromUSB is a Windows program, which prepares multiboot USB flash or fixed disk to install any Windows versions since 2000/XP, boot various Linux and ...